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MacQueen’s Quinterly: Knock-your-socks-off Art and Literature
Updated: 22 Sept. 2024

Index of Contributors


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Name of Author Title of Work + [genre] Issue
Katharyn Howd Machan Odd Numbers [poem] 7
Patience Mackarness In Her Footsteps [cheribun] 25
Patience Mackarness Seaglass [haibun] 10
Clare MacQueen Linda Nemec Foster’s Bone Country [book review, micro] 18
Clare MacQueen Nine Years [taiga: tanka + photograph] 4
Clare MacQueen “No Succinct Summary Will Do Them Justice” [review of book, A Cast-Iron Aeroplane That Can Actually Fly: Commentaries From 80 American Poets on Their Prose Poetry] 2
Clare MacQueen “One Hallelujah at a Time”: A Review of Lorette C. Luzajic’s The Rope Artist: small ekphrastic fictions [book review] 19
Clare MacQueen Reframing Self-Care for Creators: Part I (“Tips for Stewarding Your Talents and Energies in Non-Toxic Ways”) [essay] 16
Clare MacQueen Two Must-Read Books by The Queen of Ekphrasis [review/commentary] 9
Marjorie Maddox & Karen Elias Dispersion [poem] and Three Wishes [photograph] 24
Marjorie Maddox & Karen Elias The Sound of Silence: Curlew Rendition [poem] and Last Light [photograph] 24
Marjorie Maddox & Karen Elias Years Later at the Junk Yard [poem] and Sunday! Sunday! Sunday! [photograph] 24
Tamara Madison A Fine Specimen [poem] 22
Tamara Madison Hard Labor [poem] 22
Tamara Madison Insomnia [poem] 18
Tamara Madison Introduction [poem] 22
Tamara Madison The Singer [poem] 18
Tamara Madison Song of the Ancestors [poem] 18
Tamara Madison Tinnitus [poem] 22
Tamara Madison Tulips [poem] 18
René Magritte La Grand Guerre Façades (1964) [painting] 14
Marie-Elizabeth Mali Hum [poem] 12
Édouard Manet A Bar at the Folies-Bergère [painting] 17
Édouard Manet A Bar at the Folies-Bergère [painting] 25
Édouard Manet Olympia [painting] 2
Édouard Manet Olympia [painting] 17
Robert I. Mann Cameoed Against the Twilight [flash fiction] 20
Robert I. Mann Two Girls With Jobs [prose poem, ekphrastic] 14
Robert I. Mann What is between everything [flash fiction] 7
D.S. Maolalai A view from my balcony [micro-poem] 21
D.S. Maolalai The house shone like a fish [poem] 21
D.S. Maolalai The mechanical creature [poem] 21
Franz Marc Die grossen blauen Pferde (The Large Blue Horses) [painting] 10
Jill Doster Marcusse Cheese Sampler [prose poem] 9
Jill Doster Marcusse No Madonna [micro-CNF] 8
Amy Marques Date Night [microfiction, ekphrastic] 16
Amy Marques Goji Berries [microfiction] 18
Amy Marques I would rather rake leaves than masturbate [prose poem, ekphrastic] 16
Amy Marques Sunset with Crows [microfiction] 21
Amy Marques We Are Made of Scraps [prose poem] 21
Betsy Mars Admitted [poem] 18
Betsy Mars Bricklayers [poem] 14
Betsy Mars Cornered [poem] 10
Betsy Mars Dead Animals [poem] 23
Betsy Mars Losing It [poem] 19
Betsy Mars Objects in Mirrors [poem] 18
Betsy Mars Portal [poem, ekphrastic] 19
Sarah Massey-Warren Should I Stay or Should I Go? [essay] 6
Jan Matejko Stanczyk (1862) [painting] 14
Richard L. Matta Between the Lines [micro-CNF] 23
Richard L. Matta The Good Host [micro-poem: split sequence] 20
Richard L. Matta Heating Up [micropoem: split sequence] 16
Richard L. Matta More Answers [poem] 23
Richard L. Matta Rebirth [poem] 23
Richard L. Matta Transactions [micro-CNF] 23
Richard L. Matta Uncle Eddie’s Falcon [haibun] 16
dl mattila Angling [haibun] 8
dl mattila Country Ku [micro-poem sequence] 16
dl mattila Loose Lips [haibun, ekphrastic] 16
Daniel Mauermann Piercing man [photograph] 16
R W Mayer After W.C.W. [poem] 12
Liz Mayers Suzie, Sammie, and Me [microfiction] 21
Joan Mazza False Positive [poem] 10
Cáit O’Neill McCullagh and Brian Kates Untitled Shahai (first line: “raindrop”) [photo-poem] 20
George McDermott Flyover [poem] 10
Daniel McGinn Supermarket Dreamland [poem] 18
Kathleen McGookey 581 Prestwick [prose poem] 2
Kathleen McGookey A Month Before They Died [prose poem] 25
Kathleen McGookey Cloud Report (“4/19/22” and “5/24/22”) [prose poems] 14
Kathleen McGookey Cloud Report (“2/1/23” and “3/4/23”) [prose poems] 18
Kathleen McGookey Empty Nest [prose poem] 18
Kathleen McGookey Groupon, March 25, 2020: One Acre of Land on Mars: $35 $19 [prose poem] 6
Kathleen McGookey Inside Out [prose poem] 12
Kathleen McGookey Little Gold Door [prose poem] 14
Kathleen McGookey Magnificent Error [prose poem] 2
Kathleen McGookey Minutes of No Particular Significance [prose poem] 25
Kathleen McGookey The Monkey in the Palace [prose poem] 19
Kathleen McGookey Near and Far [prose poem] 25
Kathleen McGookey The Quiet in the House [prose poem] 6
Kathleen McGookey Red Box [prose poem] 19
Kathleen McGookey The Sleep Thief [prose poem] 19
Kathleen McGookey Where the Heart Is [prose poem] 12
Kathleen McGookey Without You [microfiction] 25
Marietta McGregor Auld lang syne [haibun] 6
Marietta McGregor FaceTime: Session 3 [haibun] 3
Marietta McGregor Game Over [haibun] 12
Marietta McGregor Hand-me-down [haibun] 22
Marietta McGregor Magus [cheribun] 12
Marietta McGregor Star bright [tanka prose] 14
Marietta McGregor Terror Australis [haibun] 11
Victoria Melekian Let the Horses Go [poem] 25
Victoria Melekian Morning Sun [poem] 25
Victoria Melekian We Are Losing Our Night Sky [poem] 25
Amalia Melis January Widow [memoir] 1
Paul David Mena [Fresh Graffiti] [micro-poem + photograph] 4
Ralph Mercer Dialectics: Untitled 7 [photograph] 10
Todd Mercer December D.I.Y. [microfiction] 12
Todd Mercer The Flip Stops Here [microfiction] 17
Todd Mercer It’s Terribly Easy to Use Up This Precious Life [prose poem, hybrid] 11
Todd Mercer Jane’s Real Haunted House [microfiction] 12
Todd Mercer The Key Event [microfiction] 12
Todd Mercer Marco Polo [microfiction] 12
Todd Mercer The Tenth Visit Is Free [microfiction] 17
Mark Meyer (±)-2-Methyl-1,2,3,4,10,14b-hexahydropyrazino[2,1-a]pyrido[2,3-c][2]benzazepine [haibun] 18
Mark Meyer [conflagration] [haiga] 10
Mark Meyer [ever older] [haiga] 5
Mark Meyer five-and-dime theology [haibun] 4
Mark Meyer [floaters] [haiga] 10
Mark Meyer One haiku + one senryu [micro-poems: COVID-ku] 3
Mark Meyer Prologue to an Epilogue [haibun] 22
Mark Meyer Seattle noir [haibun] 10
Mark Meyer [selbstporträt—] [haiga] 2
Mark Meyer [summer swim] [haiga] 5
Mark Meyer Texas Requiem [haibun] 20
Mark Meyer Two Artworks: Bon Vivant and Pleiomorphic [digital pigment prints] 2
Mark Meyer [wildfire morning] [haiga] 19
Mark Meyer [worlds within worlds] [haiga] 3
Michelangelo Four Prisoners at the Galleria dell’Accademia in Florence (Atlas Slave; Awakening Slave; Bearded Slave; and Young Slave) [sculpture] 1
Vicki Miko [Untitled] (“directions”)[shahai, aka photo-poem] 22
Vicki Miko [Untitled] (“three o’clock high”)[shahai, aka photo-poem] 22
Vicki Miko and Michael H. Lester A Painful Reminder [tanka tale, responsive] 21
Vicki Miko and Michael H. Lester A Place Among the Dingos, Jack Rabbits, Diamondbacks, and Vagabonds [tanka tale] 20
Vicki Miko and Michael H. Lester Not All Good Things Come in Threes [tanka tale] 20
Vicki Miko and Michael H. Lester Settling In for the Night [tanka tale, responsive] 21
Vicki Miko and Michael H. Lester What Happens in the Desert [tanka tale] 20
John Everett Millais Ophelia [painting] 7
Dawn Miller Border [microfiction] 24
Terry Jude Miller proof [poem] 16
Terry Jude Miller run [poem] 17
Terry Jude Miller until today [poem] 16
Joseph Mills Art Education [microfiction] 2
Joseph Mills Testimonial [prose poem] 2
Elaine Mintzer It Could Be Raining [prose poem] 10
Elaine Mintzer Ode to My Tweezers [poem] 12
Laura Mitchell Frozen Lake in Massachusetts [photograph] 18
Mike Moats &
Gary S. Rosin
[pack ice melts] [haiga: photograph + poem] 11
Amedeo Modigliani Reclining Nude, Head Resting on Right Arm (aka Nude on a Sofa) [painting] 1
Amedeo Modigliani The Women with Red Hair (1917) [painting] 18
Penelope Moffet Bestseller [poem] 16
Penelope Moffet Bird-Bits [poem] 8
Penelope Moffet Roosevelt Elk [poem] 16
Penelope Moffet Shelter [poem, ekphrastic] 8
Penelope Moffet Thumbprint [poem] 14
Jane Edna Mohler November Reckons [poem] 25
Jane Edna Mohler Open House [poem] 25
Jane Edna Mohler Quiet! [poem] 24
Jane Edna Mohler Unstoppable [poem] 24
Bill Mohr EROTIC: New & Selected by Alexis Rhone Fancher [book review] 9
Bill Mohr The Timing Chains [poem] 10
Kati Mohr The Empress [haibun] 21
Kati Mohr Unravel [haibun] 21
Lisa Molina Cages [prose poem, ekphrastic] 17
Claude Monet A Woman Reading 1872 (aka Springtime) [painting] 16
Claude Monet En promenade près d’Argenteuil [painting] 9
Claude Monet Water Lilies [painting] 17
Diane Lee Moomey Coloratura [poem] 17
Diane Lee Moomey Flashback [poem] 9
Diane Lee Moomey Platform Heels [poem: nonce, rhyming] 9
Diane Lee Moomey Wildlife Refuge [poem] 17
Lisa Marguerite Mora Heart Map [poem] 10
Marilyn Morgan Hoboken [microfiction] 11
Berthe Morisot The Cradle [painting] 2
Berthe Morisot Woman and Child on a Balcony [painting] 5
Michele Morris The Alchemist [prose poem, ekphrastic] 12
Michele Morris Here’s to Life [prose poem, ekphrastic] 11
Michele Morris Serenity Now [prose poem, ekphrastic] 10
Michele Morris Still Standing [prose poem] 12
Wilda Morris The Bread Line [poem, ekphrastic] 19
Wilda Morris The Fortune Teller Speaks [poem, ekphrastic] 19
Charlene Stegman Moskal Curbside [prose poem] 5
Alphonse Mucha The Seasons series, 1900: Winter, Spring, Summer, and Autumn [lithographs] 14
Rick Mulkey Concerning Whiskey [poem] 1
Rick Mulkey Late Summer Meditation on Van Gogh’s Wheatfield with a Reaper [poem, ekphrastic] 15
Rick Mulkey Singing [poem] 15
Rick Mulkey Susan’s Creek [poem] 15
Rick Mulkey Waking Alone After Drinking Too Much Wine in Umbria [poem] 1
Rick Mulkey Where are you, Walt Whitman? [poem] 1
Edvard Munch The Girl By the Window, 1893 [painting] 20
Lynn Mundell Friends [flash fiction: one-sentence story] 20
Lynn Mundell The Shelter [microfiction] 9
Aurore Uwase Munyabera Conflict Resolution [painting, alcohol ink] 5
Scott Murkin Three Art Quilts: Crosswise II; Interstices VIII; and La Villa [textile arts] 9
Erin Murphy Three Demi-Sonnets: Poetry 101: “Caesura”; “Haiku”; and “Slant Rhyme” [poems] 8
Erin Murphy Three Demi-Sonnets: Taxonomies: “Churning”; “Full Disclosures”; and “Needles” [poems] 8
Mish (Eileen) Murphy D. H. Lawrence and Me [micro-fiction] 23
Mish (Eileen) Murphy Everything You Need to Know About Florida [haibun] 20
Mish (Eileen) Murphy Recreational Shopping [poem] 23
Gabrielle Myers Messejana Message #18 [poem] 22


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Name of Author Title of Work + [genre] Issue
Nora Nadjarian My Perfect Cousin [microfiction] 15
Gautam Nadkarni Hot Couture [haibun story] 5
Nicole Nagy Linguistic Infidelity [flash fiction] 5
Lee Nash Polysemic crush [haibun story] 4
Paul Negri Mysterium Magnum [flash fiction] 3
Eric Nelson Disappearing [poem] 10
Eric Nelson Play Ball or Sing [poem] 10
Eric Nelson Umbrella [poem] 10
Patricia Nelson Arthur [poem] 10
Patricia Nelson Cyclops [poem] 10
Patricia Nelson Morgan Remembers [poem] 10
Patricia Nelson Why the Seer Speaks of War and Monsters [poem] 17
Stephen Nelson Four Asemic Artworks: The only words left after midnight; Postcards from a Scottish Bench; Rimbaud in Africa; and Thinking about Baudelaire [visual art] 16
Stephen Nelson [VisPo Trio] [visual art, asemic] 22
Richard Nester Entitled [poem, ekphrastic] 6
Richard Nester Making Peach Cobbler [poem] 9
Robbi Nester A railing somewhere in the Czech Republic [poem, ekphrastic] 25
Robbi Nester After Blossom [poem, ekphrastic] 3
Robbi Nester After Kazakh Winter by Aaron Rands [poem, ekphrastic] 6
Robbi Nester After The Large Blue Horses, Franz Marc (1911) [poem, ekphrastic] 10
Robbi Nester Beekeeper [poem, ekphrastic] 16
Robbi Nester Book [poem, ekphrastic] 2
Robbi Nester California [poem] 17
Robbi Nester Centralia Is Burning [poem] 19
Robbi Nester Cloudfarming [poem, ekphrastic] 12
Robbi Nester Composed [poem] 16
Robbi Nester Dancing White Egret [poem, ekphrastic] 14
Robbi Nester Dangerous Dreams [poem, ekphrastic] 2
Robbi Nester Death Happens: Alex Atala [poem, ekphrastic] 9
Robbi Nester Face [poem] 12
Robbi Nester Fireworks Show [poem, ekphrastic] 19
Robbi Nester Flamingo in Lake Natron, Northern Tanzania [poem, ekphrastic] 24
Robbi Nester Hot [poem] 9
Robbi Nester Inquest [poem, ekphrastic] 11
Robbi Nester Interspecies Face-Off [poem, ekphrastic] 18
Robbi Nester Juxtaposition [poem, ekphrastic] 3
Robbi Nester Listen [poem, ekphrastic] 13
Robbi Nester The Missing Sense [poem, ekphrastic] 13
Robbi Nester Naughty Bits [poem] 11
Robbi Nester On Adaptation [poem, ekphrastic] 5
Robbi Nester On Chaos [poem] 6
Robbi Nester On Rembrandt’s Stone Operation [poem, ekphrastic] 13
Robbi Nester Privilege [poem, ekphrastic] 5
Robbi Nester Scent of Mortality [poem, ekphrastic] 13
Robbi Nester Summer, Sheltering in Place [poem, ekphrastic] 5
Robbi Nester Under the Metal [poem, ekphrastic] 16
Robbi Nester Van Gogh“s Ear [poem, ekphrastic] 13
Robbi Nester Watching Pins [poem, ekphrastic] 21
Robbi Nester What He Collected [poem, ekphrastic] 25
Robbi Nester Where Is Home? [poem] 10
Robbi Nester The Witness [poem, ekphrastic] 13
Rachel Neve-Midbar Younger Men [prose poem] 14
Megan Nevels Self-Portrait as Ancestry.com [poem] 8
Lesléa Newman Birds of a Feather [poem] 23
Lesléa Newman The Deejay [prose poem] 23
Lesléa Newman Sonnet for My Beloved [poem] 23
Peter Newton Double Take [haibun] 13
Peter Newton Megafauna [haibun] 14
Peter Newton Modern Gothic [haibun story] 14
Peter Newton Rosebud [braided haibun / haibun story] 12
Peter Newton Suds Land USA [haibun, anomalous] 12
Peter Newton The Wisdom So Far [haibun] 23
Kapka Nilan Conversion [microfiction] 23
Subir Ningthouja Bond [haibun] 17
Don Noel Man with a Riata [microfiction] 19
Don Noel Opportunities [flash fiction] 19


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Name of Author Title of Work + [genre] Issue
Bayveen O’Connell A Cobbler’s Tale [microfiction] 16
Bayveen O’Connell Stolen Child [micro-CNF] 23
Bayveen O’Connell The “R” Word [microfiction] 23
Bayveen O’Connell Washerwoman’s Wish [microfiction] 16
Katherine Durham Oldmixon & Gary S. Rosin Hey! [haiga: poem + photograph] 10
Per Harald Olsen Sørgepil i pollentiden (Weeping willow in pollen season) [photograph] 24
John Olson Black Desire [micro-essay, ekphrastic] 7
John Olson Body and Soul [prose poem] 7
John Olson Crocodile [essay, ekphrastic] 2
John Olson Funny Shirts [prose poem] 3
John Olson Hang on to Your Hat: A Diatribe for Four Voices (and the Sixth Mass Extinction) [prose poem] 1
John Olson New Terms [prose poem] 2
John Olson Running for Cover [prose poem] 3
John Olson The Seeing Machine, Chapter XXXIII [novel excerpt, ekphrastic] 3
Naoki Onogawa Untitled Sculptures [bonsai-like trees whose leaves are tiny paper cranes] 10
Jenine Oosthuizen Quick or Ink? [flash fiction] 4
Simone Opdam &
Gary S. Rosin
Frozen [haiga: photograph + poem] 10X
Simone Opdam &
Gary S. Rosin
Lente (Spring) [sha-haibun: photograph + haiku + anomalous prose poem] 12
Dion O’Reilly In Bellingham [poem] 11
Dion O’Reilly Maybe Stories [poem] 11
Dion O’Reilly Red Truck [poem] 5
Princess Marie Christine d’Orléans Jeanne d’Arc [furnishing fabric] 24


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Copyright © 2019-2024 by MacQueen’s Quinterly and by those whose works appear here.
Logo and website designed and built by Clare MacQueen; copyrighted © 2019-2024.
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