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MacQueen’s Quinterly: Knock-your-socks-off Art and Literature
Issue 23: 28 April 2024
Poem: 69 words
By Mish (Eileen) Murphy

Recreational Shopping

No, you don’t get it. 
I don’t enjoy shopping for stuff I need 

like groceries. 

I dig 
recreational shopping. 

I love 
to see how a designer tee 
I can’t afford 
looks on me,  

sift through blouses 
on the “Final Markdown” rack 

that slide drunkenly 
off one side of 
their hangers, 
desperate to escape the store; 

try on 

and smile at the alien face 
in the mirror. 
Mish (Eileen) Murphy
Issue 23 (April 2024)

is Contributing Editor and emerita Assistant Poetry Editor for CulturalDaily.com, where she worked with Alexis Rhone Fancher (Poetry Editor). Mish teaches English/literature at Polk State College in Lakeland, Florida. A Pushcart nominee, she has two poetry collections published: Fortune Written on Wet Grass (2019) and Sex & Ketchup (2021); and a poetry chapbook: Evil Me (Blood Pudding Press, 2020).

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