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MacQueen’s Quinterly: Knock-your-socks-off Art and Literature
Issue 9: August 2021
Visual Art: Textiles
+ Artist’s Statement: 128 words
By Scott Murkin

Three Art Quilts


Crosswise II: Art Quilt (2020) by Scott Murkin
Crosswise II (2020), 70"x84"

Machine appliqué, machine piecing, machine quilting, hand finishing.
Solid cotton fabrics, polyester and cotton threads, poly/cotton blend batting.

Copyrighted © by Scott Murkin. All rights reserved.
Image reproduced here with his permission.


Interstices VIII: Art Quilt (2012) by Scott Murkin
Interstices VIII (2012), 46"x25"

Machine piecing, machine quilting, hand finishing.
Cotton fabrics, polyester threads, poly/cotton blend batting.

Copyrighted © by Scott Murkin. All rights reserved.
Image reproduced here with his permission.


La Villa: Art Quilt (2010) by Scott Murkin
La Villa (2010), 34"x34"

Machine piecing, machine quilting, hand finishing.
Cotton fabrics, polyester threads, poly/cotton blend batting.

Copyrighted © by Scott Murkin. All rights reserved.
Image reproduced here with his permission.


Artist’s Statement

Taking my cue from the layered structure of the quilt that has become my chosen medium of artistic expression, much of my work has to do with layers, both literal and figurative. Layers of color, light, pattern. Layers of meaning. Layers of materials. Layers that occur in nature and those created by the hand of man and then added to and altered by the passage of time, the layer working in the fourth dimension. Some pieces explore a particular aspect of these layers, while others combine multiple aspects of the theme of layering. My most successful works combine a strong visual impact when viewed from several feet away with extra rewards for the viewer who takes the time to move in and examine them more closely.

Scott Murkin, M.D.
Issue 9, August 2021

is a hospice physician from North Carolina. Originally from a quilting family in Illinois, he currently designs original quilts for the bed and wall. Scott exhibits nationally and internationally, has his textile artworks in prestigious public and private collections, and has had his quilts appear in numerous publications including American Quilter, Quilter’s Newsletter Magazine, Quiltmaker, Quilting Quarterly, and Great American Quilts. Scott is an NQA Certified Quilt Judge who has judged throughout the country, including American Quilter’s Society, QuiltCon, National Quilt Association, and International Quilt Association.

Artist’s website: www.scottmurkin.com

Instagram: [at]quiltdoc16

More on the Web: By, About, and Beyond

Asheboro man continues late grandmother’s legacy of making quilts, giving them away by Chad Tucker at Fox8 Morning News (11 January 2021)

Scott Murkin is Asheboro’s Quilting King (“Today’s quilts—and their creators—look a little different from what you might expect”) by Susan Stafford Kelly in Our State (28 January 2015)

Publisher’s Note: To learn more about our Quilting Series, please see my intro in Issue 7 of MacQ: MacQ is for Quilts.

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