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MacQueen’s Quinterly: Knock-your-socks-off Art and Literature
Updated: 28 April 2024

Copyright and Permissions

Copyrights of all Works (including text and images) that are published/curated* at this website are retained by their original authors and artists.

For original works, MacQ publisher Clare MacQueen asks authors and artists for four types of publication rights, including first worldwide electronic publication/curation* rights. Rights to republish works revert to authors and artists 24 hours (one day) after their initial publication at this website.

The MacQueen’s Quinterly website is copyrighted © 2019-2024 and contains text, proprietary computer code, and graphic images that are protected by international copyright conventions. Resale use of any of the content from this website is prohibited.

Website design and construction are copyrighted © 2014-2024 by Clare MacQueen. The majority of editorial content is copyrighted © 2014-2024 by Clare MacQueen. This site also contains editorial content copyrighted © 2015-2019 by senior contributing editor Jack Cooper (formerly co-editor of KYSO Flash).

MacQueen’s Quinterly, aka “MacQ” for short, was conceived in August 2019 as a renaming of the KYSO Flash literary journal, in large part to reflect its new publication schedule. While KYSO Flash was published bi-annually, MacQueen’s Quinterly launches five issues per year. Content is gathered for those issues during three submission periods, typically open in March, July, and November.

KYSO Flash, www.kysoflash.com, was conceived in May 2014, with the initial website launching on 20 June 2014 in the state of North Carolina, USA; the debut issue was officially launched on October first, 2014. Beginning in July 2015, KYSO Flash was based in Washington state, USA.

MacQ was initially based in Bellingham, Washington (USA), and the debut issue launched on the first of January 2020. Beginning in September 2021, MacQ has been based near Winston-Salem, North Carolina (USA).

No material from MacQueen’s Quinterly may be reproduced in any form without prior written permission from the copyright holder(s). However, within the conventional practices of fair use, you are welcome to quote text from this website for the purposes of writing reviews to promote this journal and/or the works of individuals published here. In all cases, please include proper attribution and keep intact all copyright and proprietary notices.

If you would like to quote longer passages from this site, especially for commercial use, please contact our publisher, Clare MacQueen:

MacQuinterly [at] gmail [dot] com

*Publisher’s Note:

For more information about curation, please see the essay Uncurated: The Case for a New Term of Art by Rattle editor and curator Timothy Green.

Replacing the term “previously unpublished” with “previously uncurated,” as Green proposes, “leaves open the ability to self-publish on social media or blogs or message boards. It allows the work to be shared on podcasts and open mics. Tweet your poems and flash fiction. Tag the person it was written for on Facebook. Workshop stories online. Blog chapters from your novel-in-progress. This is how a literary culture thrives” (Lit Mag News, 16 March 2023).


All Pages: The MacQ logo was designed by Clare MacQueen. Copyrighted © 2019–2024 by the artist. All rights reserved.

Submission Guidelines Page: Quotation from Poet’s Market 2014 appears by permissions from the publisher and from editor Robert Lee Brewer.

Visual Arts: Unless otherwise indicated with a note that the work resides in the public domain, reproductions of visual arts appear at this website by permissions from their respective artists and copyright holders.

Copyright © 2019-2024 by MacQueen’s Quinterly and by those whose works appear here.
Logo and website designed and built by Clare MacQueen; copyrighted © 2019-2024.
⚡   Please report broken links to: MacQuinterly [at] gmail [dot] com   ⚡

At MacQ, we take your privacy seriously. We do not collect, sell, rent, or exchange your name and email address, or any other information about you, to third parties for marketing purposes. When you contact us, we will use your name and email address only in order to respond to your questions, comments, etc.