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MacQueen’s Quinterly: Knock-your-socks-off Art and Literature
Updated: 22 Sept. 2024

Index of Contributors

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Name of Author Title of Work + [genre] Issue
Paul Ilechko Bridges [poem] 10
Paul Ilechko Expertise [poem] 18
Paul Ilechko From Fragments for KS [prose poems] 22
Paul Ilechko Long Migration [poem] 14
Susan Israel I’m Coming Home [microfiction] 23
Susan Israel Jane Erred [microfiction] 23


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Name of Author Title of Work + [genre] Issue
Gerry Jacobson The Isolation [tanka prose] 3
Roberta Beach Jacobson Going in Circles [microfiction] 23
Roberta Beach Jacobson Let’s Just Eat Cake [microfiction] 23
Roberta Beach Jacobson Stan’s Educational Crisis [microfiction] 23
Roberta Beach Jacobson Who Do You Think I Am? [microfiction] 23
Doug Jacquier Angus, 10, Finds Love [microfiction] 12
Doug Jacquier Tempted by Titivillus [microfiction] 18
David Jaggard You Might as Well Just Get Down on Your Hands and Knees and Lick the Sidewalk [flash fiction] 8
Peter Jastermsky A Day in the Life [prose poem] 22
Peter Jastermsky A Desert Year [poem] 9
Peter Jastermsky Untitled (black holes) [poem: monoku-cherita dyad] 12
Peter Jastermsky Dearest One [haibun story] 2
Peter Jastermsky Drifting Snow [haibun] 1
Peter Jastermsky Eavesdroppings [prose poem] 15
Peter Jastermsky Fishboy [cheribun] 12
Peter Jastermsky Flatbed Logic [prose poem] 16
Peter Jastermsky Highlights [prose poem] 15
Peter Jastermsky It’s Those Simple Things [prose poem] 22
Peter Jastermsky Legacies [haibun] 10
Peter Jastermsky Life on Ice [prose poem] 22
Peter Jastermsky Love Thing [micro-poem: split sequence] 9
Peter Jastermsky “Love Thing”: The Allure of the Split Sequence [craft essay] 9
Peter Jastermsky On the Runway [cheribun] 11
Peter Jastermsky Pathways [cheribun] 11
Peter Jastermsky Reservations [prose poem] 15
Peter Jastermsky Route 666 [prose poem] 16
Peter Jastermsky Scuttlebutt [prose poem] 12
Peter Jastermsky Self-Deflection [prose poem] 24
Peter Jastermsky Small Town Talk [prose poem] 24
Peter Jastermsky Solid, Not Solid [cheribun] 12
Peter Jastermsky Stella by Starlight Orders a Melancholy [prose poem] 24
Peter Jastermsky This Week’s Special [haibun] 3
Peter Jastermsky Thought Trains [haibun] 4
Peter Jastermsky Three Micro-Poems: “all the miles” [cherita], “canyon fault lines” [senryu], and “desert crossroads” [senryu] 1
Peter Jastermsky The Thrifter [haibun] 4
Peter Jastermsky Tipping Points [haibun] 2
Peter Jastermsky Two Haibun (“Bodie” and “What’s Left Behind”) [haibun] 15
Peter Jastermsky Two Micro-Haibun: “Boneyard” and “Size Wise” [haibun] 14
Peter Jastermsky Two Micro-Poems: “morning lizard” [senryu], and “counting my blessings” [cherita] 3
Peter Jastermsky Two senryu [micro-poems: COVID-ku] 3
Peter Jastermsky Underbellies [prose poem] 16
Peter Jastermsky Work-Life Balance [microfiction] 24
Peter Jastermsky & Lorraine A Padden Opportunity [micro-poem: split sequence] 10
Peter Jastermsky & Christine L. Villa Inheritance [micro-poem: split sequence] 9
Maggie Jaszczak untitled hand fan [sculpture] 2
William J. Jefferson College and Cotton [poem] 11
William J. Jefferson Depends [poem] 12
Arya F. Jenkins A Dog Is a Dog Is a Dog [flash fiction] 2
Arya F. Jenkins Days Like This [flash fiction] 2
Kelly Jensen Holding Quinks [prose poem] 4
Kelly Jensen Pandemic Wine [haibun] 7
Kendall Johnson A Conversation with Tony Barnstone: Writing Difficult Materials (Part I) [nonfiction: interview] 17
Kendall Johnson A Conversation with Tony Barnstone: Writing Difficult Materials (Part II) [nonfiction: interview] 18
Kendall Johnson A Conversation with John and Ann Brantingham, Authors of Kitkitdizzi: A Non-Linear Memoir of the High Sierra [nonfiction: interview] 16
Kendall Johnson A Walk Among Giants, a review of Kitkitdizzi [nonfiction: book review] 16
Kendall Johnson Art and Writing in This Age of Isolation: An Interview with John Brantingham and Jane Edberg [nonfiction] 19
Kendall Johnson Dear Vincent: A Psychologist Turned Artist Writes Back to Van Gogh, three excerpts: [Contrasts]; [Fishing Boats]; and [Bloom] [epistolary, ekphrastic] 14
Kendall Johnson “Dear Vincent” letter (July 2022): On the Occasion of Your Latest Reveal [epistolary, ekphrastic] 14
Kendall Johnson The Desert Sea Suite [haibun story + painting] 22
Kendall Johnson Epistles to Dalí II [haibun, ekphrastic] 14
Kendall Johnson Father Bill’s Studio: Seven Vignettes [CNF] 20X
Kendall Johnson Intermezzo [prose poem] 20X
Kendall Johnson Linking Sacred Moments: Unlocking the Novella-in-Flash by Michael Loveday [book review] 14
Kendall Johnson Out of the Desert [cheribun + painting] 15
Kendall Johnson Serious Magic: A Review of Stephanie Barbé Hammer’s Journey to Merveilleux City [book review] 20X
Kendall Johnson Utah [cheribun] 14
Kendall Johnson Writing to Heal (Part I): Tapping Hidden Gifts of Experience [essay + three abstract paintings] 16
Kendall Johnson Writing to Heal (Part II): Diving Deep [essay] 17
Kendall Johnson Writing to Heal (Part III): Forms for Healing [essay] 18
Kendall Johnson Writing to Heal (Part IV): Through a Curatorial Eye: The Apocalypse This Time [essay + five abstract artworks] 19
Kendall Johnson Writing to Heal (Part V): Writing Hope [essay + five abstract artworks] 20X
Kendall Johnson Writing to Heal (Part VI): Incendiaries [essay + five abstract artworks] 22
Kendall Johnson Writing for Vision (Part 1): Interior Lighting: Abstraction and the Concrete [essay + six artworks] 23
Kendall Johnson Writing for Vision (Part 2): Grounding: What Land Art Tells Us of the Long Walk Home [essay + five artworks] 24
Kendall Johnson Writing for Vision (Part 3): Seeing Beyond the Clamorous Now [essay + five artworks] 25
Peter Johnson Anniversary [microfiction] 1
Peter Johnson Snails [prose poem] 1
Peter Johnson Three Excerpts from Observations from the Edge of the Abyss [prose poems] 21
Jeanne Julian How to Welcome the New Year [poem] 16


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