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MacQueen’s Quinterly: Knock-your-socks-off Art and Literature
Issue 23: 28 April 2024
Microfiction: 92 words
By Roberta Beach Jacobson

Stan’s Educational Crisis


Stan didn’t recognize a single face at his 15th high school reunion. Was he losing it? He enjoyed the banquet spread, a definite plus, but he felt detached, left out.

Several guys said hi, asking Stan if he’d played basketball or golf with them. Nope. Back in the day, he was a wrestler.

Only when a self-identified teacher (who?) stood up to toast the class of ’08, did Stan see the light. He was celebrating in the wrong room. His people, the class of ’07, were across the hall.

Roberta Beach Jacobson
Issue 23 (April 2024)

(she/her) is drawn to the magic of words—poetry, song lyrics, flash fiction, puzzles, and stand-up comedy. Her latest book is Demitasse Fiction: One-Minute Reads for Busy People (Alien Buddha Press, 2023). She lives in Indianola, Iowa, USA with her husband and three cats.

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