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MacQueen’s Quinterly: Knock-your-socks-off Art and Literature
Published: March 2021
Stats compiled by Clare MacQueen

Bio Notes: Issue 7

VIDA Stats, MacQ-7:

Although links to only 48 bios are included above, this issue contains works by a total of 49 contributors: 22 women (45%) and 27 men (55%).

Of the 49 contributors, 20 (or 41%) are “new to MacQ”—that is, their works do not appear previously in MacQueen’s Quinterly nor in KYSO Flash.

Of the 20 “new” contributors, 9 are women (45%) and 11 are men (55%).

With MacQueen’s Quinterly, as it was with KYSO Flash, my goal is to balance the ratio of women to men authors and artists whenever possible—which has happened only once: Issue 7 of KYSO Flash contains works by 32 contributors, exactly half of whom are women.

However, in each of 12 issues, from Fall 2014 thru Summer 2019, KYSO Flash consistently published a minimum of 44% women authors and artists. Fifty-nine percent was the highest percentage of women published, which occurred in Issue 11, Spring 2019.

For details about those issues, see Historical VIDA stats.

VIDA: Women in Literary Arts

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