Contents: Issue 2: March 2020 |
Featured Artist |
Content Warning: MacQueen’s Quinterly (aka MacQ) contains an eclectic range of literary and artistic works, many of which are suitable only for mature adults. However, an “[R]” after titles below simply indicates reprinted works (or, more accurately, republished works, since MacQ publishes online and not in print). Unless otherwise noted, all works published in this journal are copyrighted by their respective authors and artists, and may NOT be reproduced without written permission from individual copyright holders. Thank you for respecting copyrights. Works by an individual may appear under multiple genres below. For a complete list of works by each person, see Index of Contributors. |
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About Issue 2 |
Clare MacQueen | Intro [includes Editor’s Choice Award] |
◊ | Statistics |
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Climate Crisis |
Dennis Hinrichsen | [schema geometrica] [DYSPHAGIA] [poem, lineated] |
Peter Jastermsky | Tipping Points [haibun] |
David C. Rice | Lost Bird: Reward [tanka prose] |
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CNF, Essays, Reviews, Etc. |
Roberta Beary | To My Husband Unexpectedly Called Away [micro-CNF] |
Guy Biederman | What We Call Forever [micro-memoir] |
Jack Cooper | No Place to Go: A Constant Reminder [essay] |
Eamon Grennan | An Object of Wonder: Always Say Goodnight by Matt Bialer [book review] |
Clare MacQueen | “No Succinct Summary Will Do Them Justice” [review of A Cast-Iron Aeroplane That Can Actually Fly: Commentaries From 80 American Poets on Their Prose Poetry, ed. by Peter Johnson] |
Jordan Trethewey | See Featured Artist below, for his interview with Lorette C. Luzajic. |
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Ekphrastic Works |
Please do not copy images and/or image URLs from this website without written permission from the copyright holders. Unless otherwise noted, all works in MacQueen’s Quinterly are copyrighted by their respective artists and authors. Thank you for respecting copyrights. | |
Mary Jo Balistreri | Dalí Speaks With His Niece [poem, lineated] |
Denis Bell | Red Dawn [R] [micro-fiction, with collage illustration by Louise Freshman Brown] |
Linda Nemec Foster | On St. James’ Feast Day, the Shells of Abakanowicz [prose poem, after works by Marta Magdalena Abakanowicz-Kosmowska] |
Lorette C. Luzajic | See Featured Artist below. |
Robbi Nester | Book [poem, lineated, after a sculpture by Maggie Jaszczak] |
◊ | Dangerous Dreams [poem, lineated, after a collage by Thomas Terceira] |
John Olson | Crocodile [R] [essay, after a sculpture by Philip Hanna] |
Kimmo Rosenthal | Olympia (Thoughts on a Courtesan in Eight Chapters) [CNF, after Manet’s Olympia] |
Jeanne Yeasting | Dear Berthe [prose poem, after The Cradle by Berthe Morisot] |
◊ | From Today I Banish (Paris, 1860s) [poem, lineated, after Edgar Degas] |
Note: If you’re interested in submitting ekphrastic works to us, wonderful! We hope you’ll take a few minutes to read our tips in KYSO Flash, Ephective Ekphrastics: A Guide for Verbalizing Art, which include additional examples of what we’re looking to publish here in MacQueen’s Quinterly as well. | |
Note: An “[R]” after titles indicates reprinted works. | |
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Featured Artist |
Please do not copy images and/or image URLs from this website without written permission from the copyright holders. Unless otherwise noted, all works in MacQueen’s Quinterly are copyrighted by their respective artists and authors. Thank you for respecting copyrights. | |
Lorette C. Luzajic | Ceviche [R] [prose poem, ekphrastic] |
◊ | The Sirens [R] [prose poem, ekphrastic] |
Lorette C. Luzajic | Four Visual Artworks: |
◊ | Borderline Marilyn [R] [mixed-media collage] |
◊ | Let Yourself Forget How Your Story Began [R] [mixed-media collage] |
◊ | Morning Glory [R] [mixed-media collage] |
◊ | Mysteries [R] [mixed-media collage] |
Jordan Trethewey | [Seven Questions About Process: An Interview With Lorette C. Luzajic] |
Note: An “[R]” after titles indicates reprinted works. | |
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Fiction: Flash and Micro* |
Roberta Beary | Twisted Pearls [micro] |
Guy Biederman | Gravity Hill [R] [micro] |
Bill Capossere | Peckish [micro] |
Valerie Fox | Re-Gift List (Not) [micro] |
Arya F. Jenkins | A Dog Is a Dog Is a Dog [R] [flash] |
◊ | Days Like This [R] [flash] |
Joseph Mills | Art Education [micro] |
Taylor Rossics | Harass the Florist [micro] |
C.C. Russell | The Sound, the Message [micro] |
Jess D. Taylor | Above Water [micro] |
Laynie Tzena | Spot [micro] |
Julie Whitehead | The Zen Masters [flash] |
Francine Witte | Wolf [micro] |
*Note: At MacQ, Flash Fiction = 501-1,000 words, and Micro-Fiction, no more than 500 words. These word-counts do include titles! | |
Note: An “[R]” after titles indicates reprinted works. | |
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Fiction, Hybrids: Haibun Stories |
Jonathan Humphrey | A Tennessee Stock Pond, Transfigured |
◊ | Green Gloves (On Becoming a Roadside Frog) |
Peter Jastermsky | Dearest One |
Bob Lucky | In a Brown Study |
Stella Pierides | Noir [A Triptych] |
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Haibun [prose + haiku] |
Margaret Dornaus | Late-Night Inventory |
Terri L. French | Appearances [R] |
Jonathan Humphrey | See Fiction, Hybrids above. |
Peter Jastermsky | See Climate Crisis and Fiction, Hybrids above. |
Maureen Kingston | Scriptura Continua |
Bob Lucky | See Fiction, Hybrids above. |
Stella Pierides | See Fiction, Hybrids above. |
Andrew Riutta | A Copper Country Romance [R] |
◊ | Lost and Found [R] |
Note: An “[R]” after titles indicates reprinted works. | |
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Haiga [visual art + poetry] |
Please do not copy images and/or image URLs from this website without written permission from the copyright holders. Unless otherwise noted, all works in MacQueen’s Quinterly are copyrighted by their respective artists and authors. Thank you for respecting copyrights. | |
Mark Meyer | selbstporträt— [R] |
Gary S. Rosin & Grace Evans |
Star Trails |
Note: An “[R]” after titles indicates reprinted works. | |
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Poems, Lineated |
Cynthia Anderson | Born Again [cherita sequence] |
Matt Bialer | Netherworld [R] |
Ace Boggess | Big Bang May Have Created a Mirror Universe Where Time Runs Backward |
James Roderick Burns | Four Micro-Poems: |
◊ | “Flame in my ear” [haiku] |
◊ | “Stepping over” [haiku] |
◊ | “How wonderful—snow” [R] [tanka] |
◊ | “Small brown leaf” [R] [haiku] |
Jack Cooper | Not of This World [R] |
◊ | When We Decide [R] |
Robert L. Dean, Jr. | I Dream I am Chuang Tzu Dreaming He Is Me Dreaming We Are Dalí’s Moustache |
Scott Ferry | Two days before our neighbor died [R] |
Dennis Hinrichsen | See Climate Crisis above. |
Tanya Ko Hong | Soft as Rock [R] |
◊ | Suk Su Dong [R] |
Robert Eugene Rubino | Nixon’s the One |
◊ | Uncool Kid |
Tova Hinda Siegel | Sunday’s Circle |
Barton Smock | [A Quintet of Poems]: |
◊ | “Drawings” [R] |
◊ | “Beginning Ache” [R] |
◊ | “Lit Ache” [R] |
◊ | “Stem Ache” [R] |
◊ | “Tame Ache” [R] |
Skaidrite Stelzer | Holding On |
Note: An “[R]” after titles indicates reprinted works. | |
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Prose Poems |
Cynthia Anderson | The Forest Town at the Foot of the Mountains |
Bill Capossere | The Last Man on the Moon |
Steve Cushman | On the 17th Hole |
◊ | Oyster Crackers |
Robert L. Dean, Jr. | The God Particle |
Kika Dorsey | I’m Always Turning Around |
Linda Nemec Foster | Indigo Sky Above Spain |
Valerie Fox | Playing With Dolls [R] |
Maureen Kingston | Folly |
Dotty LeMieux | Y2K: A Memory |
Bob Lucky | At the Doctor’s Office |
Lorette C. Luzajic | See Featured Artist above. |
Joseph Mills | Testimonial |
Kathleen McGookey | 581 Prestwick |
◊ | Magnificent Error |
John Olson | New Terms [R] |
Tova Hinda Siegel | Beyond the Kaleidoscope |
Jeanne Yeasting | Discriminating Distinction [R] |
Note: An “[R]” after titles indicates reprinted works. | |
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Tanka Prose |
Tish Davis | Fireflies [tanka prose] |
Claire Everett | Subtle Ghosts [tanka tale] |
David C. Rice | See Climate Crisis above. |
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Visual Arts |
Please do not copy images and/or image URLs from this website without written permission from the copyright holders. Unless otherwise noted, all works in MacQueen’s Quinterly are copyrighted by their respective artists and authors. Thank you for respecting copyrights. | |
Louise Freshman Brown | See entry for Denis Bell under Ekphrastic Works above. |
Grace Evans | See entry for Gary S. Rosin and Grace Evans under Haiga above. |
Maggie Jaszczak | See entry for “Book” by Robbi Nester under Ekphrastic Works above. |
Lorette C. Luzajic | See Featured Artist above. |
Édouard Manet | See entry for Kimmo Rosenthal under Ekphrastic Works above. |
Mark Meyer | Two Artworks: |
◊ | Bon Vivant [R] [digital pigment print] |
◊ | Pleiomorphic [R] [digital pigment print] |
Mark Meyer | See also Haiga above. |
Berthe Morisot | See entry for “Dear Berthe” by Jeanne Yeasting under Ekphrastic Works above. |
Howard Pyle | See entry for “The Sirens” by Lorette C. Luzajic under Featured Artist above. |
Gary S. Rosin | See Haiga above. |
An “[R]” after titles in the Table of Contents indicates reprinted works (or, more accurately of course, republished works, since this journal is an online publication). |
Copyright © 2019-2025 by MacQueen’s Quinterly and by those whose works appear here. | |
Logo and website designed and built by Clare MacQueen; copyrighted © 2019-2025. | |
Data collection, storage, assimilation, or interpretation of this publication, in whole or in part, for the purpose of AI training are expressly forbidden, no exceptions. |
At MacQ, we take your privacy seriously. We do not collect, sell, rent, or exchange your name and email address, or any other information about you, to third parties for marketing purposes. When you contact us, we will use your name and email address only in order to respond to your questions, comments, etc.