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MacQueen’s Quinterly: Knock-your-socks-off Art and Literature
Issue 10: 7 October 2021
By Clare MacQueen

Editor’s Choice Award: Issue 10


The ECA was selected from a list of 10 finalists, which in turn were chosen from a total of 102 works that appear in MacQ-10. A world of thanks to everyone who sent me so many out-of-the-ordinary pieces to consider!


Cheers and big smiles of delight (plus a small cash prize of $100 USD) to Elaine Mintzer for this prose poem, a memorable guide to keeping things in perspective:

It Could Be Raining


And my other finalist selections, listed in alpha order by last name of contributor:

Wait, Just Wait [microfiction] by John Brantingham

California Dream [poem, lineated] by Linda Nemec Foster

Sensory Revelation Tank [haibun] by Kat Lehmann

Small Town New York City [poem, lineated] by Ellaraine Lockie

Seaglass [haibun] by Patience Mackarness

conflagration [haiga: photograph + micro-poem] by Mark Meyer

Autumn Arpeggios [flash fiction] by Kathleen Thomas

Perfect [microfiction] by Francine Witte

Variation on the 91st Psalm [poem, lineated] by Jonathan Yungkans

Links to previous Editor’s Choice Awards:

ECA: Issue 9  
ECA: Issue 8 ECA: Issue 4
ECA: Issue 7 ECA: Issue 3
ECA: Issue 6 ECA: Issue 2
ECA: Issue 5 ECA: Issue 1

The inaugural ECA, Earth Hymn by Bianca Glinskas, appears in KYSO Flash (Issue 12, Summer 2019).

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