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MacQueen’s Quinterly: Knock-your-socks-off Art and Literature

Contents: Issue 6: January 2021

Featured Artist Featured Author

Fiction Flash
(501–1,000 words)
(Haibun Stories)
(up to 500 words)
Faction Announcements Bio Notes CNF, Essays, Etc. Visual Arts Poetic & Hybrid Forms Ekphrastic Works Haibun Poems, Lineated Prose Poems

Content Warning: MacQueen’s Quinterly (aka MacQ) contains an eclectic range of literary and artistic works, many of which are suitable only for mature adults. However, an “[R]” after titles below simply indicates reprinted works (or, more accurately, republished works, since MacQ publishes online and not in print).

Unless otherwise noted, all works published in this journal are copyrighted by their respective authors and artists, and may NOT be reproduced without written permission from individual copyright holders. Thank you for respecting copyrights.

Works by an individual may appear under multiple genres below. For a complete list of works by each person, see Index of Contributors.

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Clare MacQueen Editor’s Choice Award
Anthology Awards Portal:
New page, listing links to all of our nominations for anthology awards, including Best Microfiction, Best of the Net, The Best Small Fictions, and The Pushcart Prize
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Creative Nonfiction (CNF), Essays, Etc.
Guy Biederman Two-Handed Touch [Micro-CNF]
Sarah Massey-Warren Should I Stay or Should I Go? [essay]
Daryl Scroggins See Featured Author below.
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Ekphrastic Works
Please do not copy images and/or image URLs from this website without written permission from the copyright holders. Unless otherwise noted, all works in MacQueen’s Quinterly are copyrighted by their respective artists and authors. Thank you for respecting copyrights.
Serena Agusto-Cox Two Poems After Gustave Caillebotte:
Robert L. Dean, Jr. Borderland [poem, lineated]
Karen George Emily Carr: Scorned as Timber, Beloved of the Sky (1932-35) [poem, lineated]
Richard Nester Entitled [poem, lineated]
Robbi Nester After Kazakh Winter by Aaron Rands [poem, lineated]
Gary S. Rosin [Eclipse] [haiku + photograph by Somak Raychaudhury]
Stare Down [micro-poem: cherita]
The Glory of the Gods [micro-poem: cherita]
Lauren Scharhag Hair Work [poem, lineated]
Note: If you’re interested in submitting ekphrastic works to us, wonderful! We hope you’ll take a few minutes to read our tips in KYSO Flash, Ephective Ekphrastics: A Guide for Verbalizing Art, which include additional examples of what we’re looking to publish here in MacQueen’s Quinterly as well.
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Featured Author
Daryl Scroggins A Quintet of Works:
Giving Up Control [micro-CNF]
At the Center of the Universe [micro-fiction]
Daddy’s Calling [prose poem]
Old Money Takes a Hit [R] [micro-fiction + Author’s Note]
Units of Measure [micro-fiction]
Note: An “[R]” after titles indicates reprinted works.
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Fiction: Flash and Micro*
See also Fiction, Hybrids: Haibun Stories below.
Roberta Beary 20 Things Mother Told Me, Ironing Father’s Shirts as I Peeled Potatoes Waiting for my Boyfriend’s Call [micro]
Denis Bell The Acrobat [R] [flash]
Guy Biederman Measure [micro]
Pride and Joy [micro]
Round Trip [flash]
Arthur Klepchukov afterglow [micro]
Dialing Islands [flash]
Lorette C. Luzajic The Chechia Makers [micro]
Robert Sachs The Watch [flash]
Daryl Scroggins See Featured Author above.
Francine Witte Not Again [micro]
Trophy [micro]
*Note: At MacQ, Flash Fiction = 501-1,000 words, and Micro-Fiction, no more than 500 words. These word-counts do include titles!
Note: An “[R]” after titles indicates reprinted works.
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Fiction, Hybrids: Haibun Stories
Roberta Beary This is Just to Say, or Carly Calls Me for the Fifth Time on Her Birthday
Cherie Hunter Day 42R Mill Street
Rich Youmans Living Color
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Haibun [prose + haiku]
See also Fiction, Hybrids: Haibun Stories above.
Adele Kenny December in the Trees
Bob Lucky Sartorial Relapse
Marietta McGregor Auld lang syne
Gary S. Rosin Welcome to Minnesota
Lew Watts Cruising Downtown Santa Fe
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Poems, Lineated

* Note from Clare MacQueen:
I’m delighted to present in this issue five cadralore (singular spelling: cadralor), with huge thanks to Scott Ferry for introducing me to this new poetic form.

Serena Agusto-Cox See Ekphrastic Works above.
David Appelbaum The Phone Call
Roy J. Beckemeyer Prothalamion
The Way Night’s Lapidary Light Burnishes Your Skin
Ace Boggess On My Mind
Kika Dorsey And There Is Joy
Scott Ferry eel [cadralor] *
ichor / eschar [cadralor] *
Snow Peas
Karen George See Ekphrastic Works above.
Lori Howe Refraction [cadralor] *
Ripening [cadralor] *
Gary LeBel Husband
Madrigal [+ artwork] [R]
Stellasue Lee A Ferocity of Mind Lives Here in Silence
For Birds Sing Sometimes Without Purpose
Robbi Nester On Chaos
Meghan Sterling Cyclops
Lorna Wood Lion’s Tooth
Jonathan Yungkans Anacapa Island
Morro Bay [cadralor] *
Note: An “[R]” after titles indicates reprinted works.
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Prose Poems
Cherie Hunter Day Sugarbone
Margaret Dornaus Birthright
Linda Nemec Foster Lipstick in Geneva
The Infant of Prague in Prague
Adele Kenny Then and What Happened
Gary LeBel Bricks
Dotty LeMieux Masks
Gavin Lucky undertaking
Lorette C. Luzajic Pho
Kathleen McGookey Groupon, March 25, 2020: One Acre of Land on Mars: $35 $19
The Quiet in the House
Daryl Scroggins See Featured Author above.
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Visual Arts
Please do not copy images and/or image URLs from this website without written permission from the copyright holders. Unless otherwise noted, all works in MacQueen’s Quinterly are copyrighted by their respective artists and authors. Thank you for respecting copyrights.
Gustave Caillebotte See entry for Serena Agusto-Cox under Ekphrastic Works above.
Emily Carr See entry for Karen George under Ekphrastic Works above.
Gary LeBel See entry for LeBel’s “Madrigal” under Poems, Lineated above.
Dr. Somak Raychaudhury See entry for Gary S. Rosin (“[Eclipse]”) under Ekphrastic Works above.
Cindy L. Sheppard [A Thousand Candles] [photographs]:
Low Country Christmas
Ode to Joy
Winter Dragon
Cynthia Yatchman Featured Artist:
Four Paintings, Mixed Media:
Entropy 3 [R]
Lambda [R]
Landscape 5 [R]
[Untitled Shorescape] [R]

Note: An “[R]” after titles in the Table of Contents indicates reprinted works; or, more accurately, republished works, since this journal is an online publication.

Copyright © 2019-2024 by MacQueen’s Quinterly and by those whose works appear here.
Logo and website designed and built by Clare MacQueen; copyrighted © 2019-2024.
Data collection, storage, assimilation, or interpretation of this publication, in whole
or in part, for the purpose of AI training are expressly forbidden, no exceptions.
⚡   Please report broken links to: MacQuinterly [at] gmail [dot] com   ⚡

At MacQ, we take your privacy seriously. We do not collect, sell, rent, or exchange your name and email address, or any other information about you, to third parties for marketing purposes. When you contact us, we will use your name and email address only in order to respond to your questions, comments, etc.