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MacQueen’s Quinterly: Knock-your-socks-off Art and Literature
Issue 6: January 2021
Visual Art: Photograph [R]
+ Ekphrastic Haiku: 11 words
Photograph by Somak Raychaudhury
Untitled haiku by Gary S. Rosin



Eclipse Under the Bamboo, photograph by Dr. Somak Raychaudhury

Eclipse Under the Bamboo *

Copyrighted © 21 June 2020 by
Somak Raychaudhury. All rights reserved.



bamboo trees scatter
a litter of eclipses
a carpet of smiles



* Publisher’s Note:

Image above is reproduced from NASA’s Astronomy Picture of the Day, and appears here with photographer’s permission.

As explained in the caption at APOD (26 June 2020): “...During the June 21st solar eclipse, this display appeared under a shady bamboo grove in Puné, India. Small gaps between close knit leaves on the tall plants effectively created a network of randomly placed pinholes. Each one projected a separate image of the eclipsed Sun....”

Somak Raychaudhury
Issue 6, January 2021

is Director of the Inter-University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics (IUCAA) in Puné, India, and Visiting Researcher in the Astrophysics and Space Research Group at the University of Birmingham, United Kingdom. He teaches Astrophysics in the IUCAA-NCRA Graduate School. His Curriculum Vitae, list of publications, and research interests are available at his website:


Gary S. Rosin’s
Issue 6, January 2021

poetry and haiga have appeared, or are forthcoming, in various literary and poetry magazines such as Concho River Review, Failed Haiku, Harbinger Asylum, KYSO Flash, MacQueen’s Quinterly, Poetry24, The Legal Studies Forum, and Visions International; as well as in several anthologies, including Faery Footprints (Fae Corp Publishing), Lifting the Sky: Southwestern Haiku & Haiga (Dos Gatos Press), Texas Poetry Calendar (Kallisto Gaia Press), Untameable City: Poems on the Nature of Houston (Mutabilis Press), and elsewhere.

His poem “Viewing the Dead” was nominated for a Pushcart Prize. Two of his poems appear in Silent Waters, photographs by George Digalakis (Athens, 2017). He is the author of two chapbooks, Standing Inside the Web (Bear House Publishing, 1990) and Fire and Shadows (Legal Studies Forum, 2008) (offprint). Selections of Gary’s poetry and photography can be found on his website, 4P Creations:


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