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MacQueen’s Quinterly: Knock-your-socks-off Art and Literature
Issue 8: June 2021
Visual Art: Textiles
+ Artist’s Commentary: 225 words
By Karen Forstad Weiderman

Five Art Quilts


Kayaking on Knickerbocker Lake: quilt by Karen Forstad Weiderman
Kayaking on Knickerbocker Lake (2017), 18"x27"

Original design using cotton fabrics, machine raw edge appliqued, machine quilted using a domestic sewing machine, and embellished with red crystal. Created for Smithtown Stitchers Quilt Guild, Show Challenge: “On the River.”

Copyrighted © by Karen Forstad Weiderman. All rights reserved.
Image reproduced here with her permission.


Maine—The Way Life Should Be: quilt by Karen Forstad Weiderman
Maine—The Way Life Should Be (2014), 45"x52"

Original design using cotton fabrics, machine pieced, machine raw edge appliqued, machine quilted using a domestic sewing machine; and embellished with lobster, fish, and buoy buttons and ribbon flag. Created for Pine Tree Quilters Guild, Maine Quilts Show Challenge: “What Maine Means to Me.”

Copyrighted © by Karen Forstad Weiderman. All rights reserved.
Image reproduced here with her permission.


Blue Waters—Maine to Maui: quilt by Karen Forstad Weiderman
Blue Waters—Maine to Maui (2004), 55"x71"

Color wash technique using nine different cotton fabrics, each 1.5 inches square; machine pieced; and big stitch hand quilted. Blue and white fabrics collected on trips to Maine, Maui, and other locations across the U.S.

Copyrighted © by Karen Forstad Weiderman. All rights reserved.
Image reproduced here with her permission.


Multiplying Hexagons: quilt by Karen Forstad Weiderman
Multiplying Hexagons (2018), 48"x65"

Modern spin on a traditional theme using ombre cotton fabrics, machine pieced, and quilted on a longarm machine.

Copyrighted © by Karen Forstad Weiderman. All rights reserved.
Image reproduced here with her permission.


Around the Block: quilt by Karen Forstad Weiderman
Around the Block (2020), 27"x27"

Cotton fabrics, machine raw edge appliqued with decorative stitch, and
machine quilted on a domestic machine. Created during the pandemic
when all we did was walk around the block.

Copyrighted © by Karen Forstad Weiderman. All rights reserved.
Image reproduced here with her permission.


Artist’s Commentary:

I started quilting in 1986 after my second son was born. Having always enjoyed creating, crafting, or making, I tried my hand at quilting and was instantly hooked. No one in my family ever quilted. Being self-taught, I realized I needed to learn so much more and took a six-week class at my local quilt shop and never looked back. I think I have Quilting ADHD and also FOMO—Fear Of Missing Out—I love to try new techniques and can’t keep up with all the ideas and quilts I just have to make. After starting out by drawing templates on cardboard, using scissors to cut fabric, and then sewing and quilting by hand, I now use the rotary cutter for fabric and the sewing machine for piecing and quilting. Every year, I continue to take classes because there’s always a new tip or technique to learn.

During the Pandemic last year I was able to finish many of my quilts that were UFOs (Un-Finished Objects) and to work on my PhD—Projects Half Done!—what a comforting accomplishment. I also started numerous projects following Quilt-A-Longs on Instagram which was a great way to communicate with and get feedback from other quilters and followers during such an isolated time. As a member of four quilt guilds, I value the experience and camaraderie they provide, too.


Publisher’s Note: To learn more about our Quilting Series, please see my intro: MacQ is for Quilts

Karen Forstad Weiderman
Issue 8, June 2021

is a quilting artist who lives with her family on Long Island, New York. Follow her work on Instagram: [at]kayweedie

More on the Web: By, About, and Beyond

Garden Fantasy, Viewer’s Choice Award and Hand Applique First Place Award, at Smithtown Stitchers Quilt Extravaganza XVIII (April 2019)

Lola the Lobster, Professionally Quilted Honorable Mention, at Smithtown Stitchers Quilt Extravaganza XVIII (April 2019)

Our Flag, Show Challenge Honorable Mention, at Smithtown Stitchers Quilt Extravaganza XVIII (April 2019)

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