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MacQueen’s Quinterly: Knock-your-socks-off Art and Literature
Issue 8: June 2021
Haiga: 14 words
Photograph + Poem
By George Digalakis and Gary S. Rosin



Untitled Haiga [crows]: poem by Gary S. Rosin and photo by George Digalakis

Collaborative haiga copyrighted © 2021.
Photograph* copyrighted © by George Digalakis,
and poem copyrighted © by Gary S. Rosin. All rights reserved.

crows in a bare tree
a stone hut in the mist
a door creaks



Publisher’s Note:

*The Crows is among the photographer’s recent works “with a certain noir-feeling” (from his Facebook gallery, 31 March 2021).

George Digalakis
Issue 8, June 2021

was born in 1960 in Athens, Greece, where he grew up. A medical doctor by profession, he still lives and works in Athens. It was only in 2011 when he first studied photography at Photoeidolo and became acquainted with classic and contemporary photographers, that he realized this medium would offer him a gateway from reality and enable him to express his inner world.

Minimalism, both as an art movement and as a philosophy of life, has informed his work. The influence from minimalist photographers such as Michael Kenna can be seen clearly in George’s seascapes. He rarely tries to capture the moment and finds that by ignoring reality he can best convey his inner vision and underlying emotions.

His work is characterized by a square frame, a minimalistic and sometimes surrealistic approach, high contrast, order, and a peaceful, yet often sorrowful and lonesome atmosphere. He uses long exposure and Black and White to move the images further away from reality, introducing the sense of passing time and eliminating the details from the background, thus highlighting his subjects.

He has participated in a number of exhibitions around the world, and his work has been recognized in many international competitions, such as Px3, APOY, Sony World Photography Award, FAPA, etc. He has been published in various magazines and sites, including 1x.com Digital Camera, Shot Magazine, Blur Magazine, Dodho Magazine, and Stark Magazine, among others.

For a detailed resume and artist’s statement, please visit George’s website: www.digalakisphotography.com

Publisher’s Note:

See also George’s blog, Inspirations, for insightful articles about Black and White photography.

Gary S. Rosin’s
Issue 8, June 2021

poetry and haiga have appeared, or are forthcoming, in various literary and poetry magazines such as Concho River Review, Failed Haiku, Harbinger Asylum, KYSO Flash, MacQueen’s Quinterly, Poetry24, The Legal Studies Forum, and Visions International; as well as in several anthologies, including Faery Footprints (Fae Corp Publishing), Lifting the Sky: Southwestern Haiku & Haiga (Dos Gatos Press), Texas Poetry Calendar (Kallisto Gaia Press), Untameable City: Poems on the Nature of Houston (Mutabilis Press), and elsewhere.

His poem “Viewing the Dead” was nominated for a Pushcart Prize. Two of his poems appear in Silent Waters, photographs by George Digalakis (Athens, 2017). He is the author of two chapbooks, Standing Inside the Web (Bear House Publishing, 1990) and Fire and Shadows (Legal Studies Forum, 2008) (offprint).

Selections of Gary’s poetry and photography can be found at his website, 4P Creations: http://4pcreations.com

More on the Web: By, About, and Beyond

Crossing Kansas by Gary S. Rosin in The Wild Word (7 February 2020); includes audio of the poet reading his poem

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