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MacQueen’s Quinterly: Knock-your-socks-off Art and Literature
Issue 8: June 2021
Haibun: 131 words
By Harriot West

Things I’ll Never Tell You


1. Albertsons carries your favorite almond biscotti so you don’t have to drive across town to Trader Joe’s.

2. Grilled fennel is back on the menu at Gianni’s.

3. Our favorite waiter asked where you were and looked surprised when I said I didn’t know.

4. Gianni asked how you were doing and looked surprised when I said I didn’t know and didn’t care.

5. The trillium on the Ridgeline Trail have lost their petals.

6. I don’t know how I’ll bear it when the wild iris bloom.

7. Before I changed the sheets, I slept on your side of the bed for a week.

8. Sometimes I cradle your pillow.

9. Sometimes I wish I hated you.

sleepless night
I google the stages
of grief

Harriot West
Issue 8, June 2021

lives in Eugene, Oregon. She is a three-time winner of the Modern Haiku award for best haibun as well as a recipient of the Museum of Haiku Literature Award. Her first book, Into the Light (Mountains and Rivers Press, 2014), a collection of haibun and haiku, tied for first place in the 2015 Haiku Society of America’s Mildred Kanterman Book Awards. Her second book, Shades of Absence, a collection of haibun and tanka prose, was published in 2018 by Red Moon Press.

More on the Web: By, About, and Beyond

West’s ekphrastic haibun story Picking Sunflowers for Van Gogh first appeared in KYSO Flash online and is reprinted in our 2016 anthology, State of the Art. And we were thrilled when this charming piece was selected as one of 55 winners for reprinting in The Best Small Fictions 2017 anthology, guest edited by Amy Hempel.

Featured Writer: Harriot West in Contemporary Haibun Online (Volume 11, Number 1, April 2015); includes “a brief bit of advice” (86 words, in fact) from West on writing haibun, as well as her haibun “A Brief Analysis of Contemporary Society As Seen Through My Eyes”

Until One Day I Said Enough: Harriot West on Haibun, an interview by Jeffrey Woodward in Haibun Today (Volume 9, Number 1, March 2015)

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