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MacQueen’s Quinterly: Knock-your-socks-off Art and Literature
Issue 8: June 2021
Tanka Prose: 59 words
By Claire Everett

In Brief: 10 April 2021


Artefacts from Luxor’s lost golden city.

In Belfast, the gates of a peace wall jemmied open and set ablaze.

Closer to home, Kill the Bill protests and the road out of lockdown.

a life well lived...
the death of an aged prince
as if
there was no other news,
this warbler, just flown in

Claire Everett
Issue 8, June 2021

is the author of two tanka collections, twelve moons and The Small, Wild Places; and co-author of Hagstones: A Tanka Journey with Joy McCall, and Talking in Tandem with her husband, Tony Everett. In 2017, Claire joined the editorial panel for the Red Moon Anthology. She served on the editorial team for Take Five Best Contemporary Tanka (Volume 4, 2011), and in 2015 she edited the Tanka Society of America’s Members’ Anthology, Spent Blossoms. She served as tanka-prose editor for Haibun Today [from December 2011 thru September 2016], and as founding editor of Skylark Publishing and Skylark: the journal [from the inaugural issue in April 2013 thru the final issue, Summer 2019].

Claire is mum to five children and step-mum to two and likes nothing better than to be cycling through the Dales with Tony on their trusty tandem Tallulah, or walking on the North Yorkshire Moors.

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