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MacQueen’s Quinterly: Knock-your-socks-off Art and Literature
Issue 23: 28 April 2024
Poem: 89 words
By Mark Danowsky

Eye Model

The Artist wanted tears 
so he applied eye drops 

The shot was not 
quite right so 

More eye drops 
& more eye drops 

It’s a blur though 
all recorded 

Not long after—
news about eye drops 

Many brands recalled 
for causing blindness 

I can see 
so I got lucky 

Most of my problems 
are not visible 

Some show but 
that’s not the point 

I want to say 
how it feels & 

It feels like 
my body is falling apart 

Can’t you see 
my pain 

to the untrained eye 

Mark Danowsky
Issue 23 (April 2024)

is Editor-in-Chief of ONE ART: a journal of poetry. His poetry collections include Meatless (Plan B Press), Violet Flame (tiny wren lit), JAWN (Moonstone Press), and As Falls Trees (NightBallet Press). Take Care is forthcoming from Moon Tide Press in 2025.

More on the Web: By, About, and Beyond

You Are a Poet (Even When You Aren’t Writing), a craft essay by Mark Danowsky in Cleaver (15 August 2021)

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