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MacQueen’s Quinterly: Knock-your-socks-off Art and Literature
Issue 22: 4 Feb. 2024
Microfiction: 51 words
(incl. title)
By Dave Alcock



Those memories that have circled us for decades, names that tunnel with thick claws through our sleep, remembered looks that still dash through our doorways, crossing streetlights where our valedictions shriek, deadly kisses that we only ever dreamed of, that felled our friends but stole like strangers from our lips.

Dave Alcock
Issue 22 (February 2024)

has been interested in flash fiction ever since 2016 when he received Flash Fiction Forward (ed. James Thomas and Robert Shapard) as a surprise gift. He read the first page and was hooked and he has been ever since. His work has been published by Every Day Fiction, Flash Frontier, and MacQueen’s Quinterly, as well as some other excellent lit-zines, and can also be found in two anthologies published by Ad Hoc Fiction. He works as an editor and lives with his wife and two children in Devon, England.

More on the Web: By, About, and Beyond

A Defence of Imitation, photograph and essay by Dave Alcock, with artworks by Catherine Alcock and Petrus Christus, in The Ekphrastic Review (22 February 2023)

Congeners, microfiction by Dave Alcock in MacQueen’s Quinterly (Issue 13, May 2022); nominated by MacQ for the Best Microfiction 2023 anthology

Our Bread, microfiction by Alcock reprinted at Flash Fiction Festival online (28 November 2019)

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