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MacQueen’s Quinterly: Knock-your-socks-off Art and Literature
Issue 17: 29 Jan. 2023
Haibun, anomalous: 92 words
By Andrea Eldridge


Somewhere between snowdrifts 
and snowdrops lies mud season. 
The onset of April heralded by 
A dawn chorus belting creek songs. 
Constant, sound of water. Drips. 

A million rivulets escape high ground. 
Dogs sink down to their shoulders. 
Daring young crocus and daffodil 
Their swords poke through the thaw 
Only to be repeatedly snow-sheathed. 

Tracks in early trafficked trails. Dirt. 
Bluebirds forage frosty spring soil. 
In the know, gardeners stand ready 
Realtors beach bound with bunnies. 
Here, we hide Easter eggs in the snow. 

	woodpecker banging—
	on the doorstep 
	of spring  

Andrea Eldridge
Issue 17 (29 January 2023)

As a retired airline pilot, Andrea Eldridge completed her MFA in creative writing at UC Riverside-Palm Desert. Her writing has been nominated for a Pushcart Prize for poetry, published in journals celebrating Japanese forms, and anthologized in Contemporary Haibun Online. This year, she won first place in the Samurai Haibun Contest, and her story “Strange Birds” won the Solas Award for Best Travel Writing in the women’s category. Air & Space/Smithsonian Magazine continues to publish her narrative essays. Andrea now lives with her husband and dogs on a mountainside in Idaho.

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