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MacQueen’s Quinterly: Knock-your-socks-off Art and Literature
Issue 15: Sept. 2022
Micro-Haibun: 40 words
By Kyle Hemmings

War Lords


We throw rocks at the soldiers. We, so tough. A pinch of nerve, a pint-size of giggle. We bite into our peanut butter & jelly sandwiches and break into a frenzy of running.

loose stitches
patterns of

Kyle Hemmings’
Issue 15, September 2022

writing has been published in Sonic Boom, Deracine, Cherry Tree, and elsewhere. He loves ’60s garage bands and ’50s sci-fi movies. Find more of his poetry, plus flash fiction and photography, at his blog:
DogPunk & Psychedelic Stinky Cat

More on the Web: By, About, and Beyond

Freakbeat, microfiction by Hemmings in Issue 3 of MacQ (May 2020); subsequently selected for publication in The Best Small Fictions 2021 anthology

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