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MacQueen’s Quinterly: Knock-your-socks-off Art and Literature
Issue 11: January 2022
Poem: 61 words
By Fran Abrams

It’s Pi Every Time

You need to be careful 
when talking about pi. 
There are many of us who think 

first of cherry and banana cream 
instead of the importance 
of the number 3.14159265. 

The circumference of a circle 
divided by its diameter is pi—
every time. 

Pick a circle, any circle, 
large or small, and pi 
stands ready to serve. 


Fran Abrams
Issue 11, January 2022

turned to writing poetry after retiring, having spent 40 years writing legislation, regulations, and reports in government and nonprofit organizations. Her poems have been published online and in print, including Cathexis-Northwest Press, Alan Squire Publishing Winter 2021 Bulletin, The Ravens Perch, and upcoming in Gargoyle Magazine. Her poems also appear in eight anthologies, including the 2021 collection entitled This is What America Looks Like from Washington Writers Publishing House. In 2019, she was a juried poet at Houston Poetry Fest and a featured reader at DiVerse Gaithersburg (MD) Poetry Reading Series.

Author’s website: www.franabramspoetry.com

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