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MacQueen’s Quinterly: Knock-your-socks-off Art and Literature
News: 30 Nov. 2022
Updated: 15 Aug. 2023

Nominations for
Best Small Fictions 2023


MacQueen’s Quinterly is pleased to announce the nomination of five works (published during calendar year 2022) for the ninth annual edition of the Best Small Fictions Anthology:

Best of luck to these nominees! And much gratitude to them all for contributing such memorable works to MacQ.

Results will be announced in spring 2023.

Update, 11 February 2023:

The anthology will be published later this year by Alternating Current Press. More information about this series is available at Best Small Fictions.

* Update, 15 August 2023:

Lorette C. Luzajic’s ekphrastic flash fiction “The Triaminic Man” was among the pieces selected for inclusion in the Best Small Fictions 2023 anthology.

Results of the nominations were posted via Facebook on the first of June.


Links to previous nominations (note: beginning with 2023 edition, anthology’s title no longer includes “The”):

The Best Small Fictions 2022

The Best Small Fictions 2021

See also previous nominations by KYSO Flash (MacQ’s sister journal):

The Best Small Fictions 2020

The Best Small Fictions 2019

The Best Small Fictions 2018

The Best Small Fictions 2017

The Best Small Fictions 2016

The Best Small Fictions 2015 (debut issue)

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Logo and website designed and built by Clare MacQueen; copyrighted © 2019-2024.
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