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MacQueen’s Quinterly: Knock-your-socks-off Art and Literature
News: July 2021

Nominations for BIFFY50 Awards,
the Best British & Irish Flash Fiction 2019-2020


Apologies from our publisher, Clare MacQueen, for being so overwhelmed last summer that she neglected to update the MacQ website with this information!

With much gratitude to these fine writers, Roberta Beary and Meg Pokrass, for publishing with MacQ, we’re belatedly announcing these nominations (submitted by Clare to TSS Publishing in June 2020) for the second annual BIFFY50 Awards:

The BIFFY50 is sponsored by TSS Publishing. For more information, see: About BIFFY50, Key Dates, and Our Editors.

Results of debut BIFFY50 Awards: 2018-2019

Results of second annual BIFFY50 Awards: 2019-2020

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